Monday, July 4, 2016


Deception is the basis of politics. Once again, on social media in a presidential election year, I witness people spouting viewpoints as if they possess absolute truth. It's frustrating when time and time again, I see my intelligent friends posting the latest, most outrageous political bullshit. Usually, they adamantly swear to it. They blindly support their candidates and political parties. The gain, the control, and the maintenance of power are matters of deception. During the USA's 240-year existence, political deception (beginning with a Native American peace treaty) has managed to forge this country. Accusations, confrontations, manipulations, and persecutions are tools for those in power. Hey, I'll be the first to admit that as far as politics goes, I don't know wtf is going on. This is the way that it is supposed to be: politics is a matter of deception. During our country's history, the powerful, the rich, and BOTH political parties have gained complete control...and they aren't about to release it. They amend the rules, redistrict, confront, evade, and deceive. A petty person is eager to make boasts, to rebroadcast lies in order to be admired and to feel associated with those in power. He often (along with others) just wants to feel like a part of something. Please try not to be petty AND to be deceived. There may be a degree of deception in silence, but not nearly as much as there is when you engage in denial, exaggeration, and prevarication. - Tom Puszewski.

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